Quotes I like

Quotes I like - "A good example can overcome a lot of bad advice." Croft M. Pentz

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How to survive an argument

Every relationship has its up and downs, highs and lows. There are times when all is sugar and spice. There are also those moments that make you want to pack up your bandana and run away like a kid.

Those “run away” moments, are the times that test your existence as a wife.  Those challenging moments can make or break both you and the relationship.  While it may seem like you’re alone, this relationship struggle is not unique.   Somehow you have to find a way to muddle through; after all you’re a mom with a child-sized audience watching your every move. How do you do it?  How do you find your footing when faced with the argument to end all arguments?

- Never argue in front of the kids. Kids have a hard enough time just being kids.  Watching their parents engage in verbally (and hopefully, definitely not physical) warfare can rattle any child’s world. Parents are the rock that kids lean on so what happens when the rock falters? You raise kids who never learn the value of a relationship or feel the security of home.  Save the battle for another location away from prying eyes or listening ears.

- Never continuously threaten to leave. Sure, a lot is said in the heat of the battle, but constantly threatening to leave may get you the exit ticket you didn’t really bargain for.  In the midst of the argument, you may mean it with every fiber of your being, but just as sure as day settles into night, you may find that you really didn’t mean it. Your spouse, however, may have heard it one to many times and decide to take you up on your offer.

- Don’t give as good as you get.  This is a hard one.  Sure, while your mate is flinging insults and accusations in your direction, you may be tempted to hurl those javelins right back.  Remember, once it’s said – you can’t take it back.  Try to be the “bigger” person and “rise” above.  Sure, they will do their best to goad you into a reaction.  Remember, sometimes the best reaction – is not reaction at all.

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